
Circular letters

Circular letters in force

24.07.2023 ST.23-0641 Clarification of the term "New Business" within the S 1.5 collection
17.10.2022 ST.22-0804 Adoption of the Euro by Croatia
17.10.2022 ST.22-0804 Information to be provided to the BCL for the reduction of the reserve base relating to the maintenance periods from 21 December 2022 to 7 February 2023 and from 8 February 2023 to 21 March 2023
18.08.2022 ST.22-0449 Update of instructions for the statistical reporting
13.05.2022 ST.22-0372 Number of established locations
25.02.2022 ST.22-0112 Triennial central bank survey of foreign exchange and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market activity – April 2022
17.11.2021 ST.21-0851 Update of instructions for the statistical reporting
02.02.2021 ST.21-0041 Update of the ECB Regulation on minimum reserves
07.02.2019 ST.19-0036 Bank for International Settlements (BIS) survey of foreign exchange and derivatives market activity – April 2019
19.12.2017 ST.17-0644 Update of reporting instructions related to FINREP
10.10.2016 ST.16-0867 Revision of the standardised deduction from the reserve base and amendment of the Regulation on the application of minimum reserves
16.04.2015 ST.15-0126 Adaptation of reporting instructions
10.09.2014 ST.14-0314 Adoption of the euro by Lithuania and adjustment of the indicative calendar for reserve maintenance periods   (annex)

Obsolete circular letters

01.02.2016 ST.16-0051 Bank for International Settlements (BIS) survey of foreign exchange and derivatives market activity – April 2016
02.09.2013 ST.13-0783 Adoption of the euro by Latvia
31.01.2013 ST.13-0071 Bank for International Settlements (BIS) survey of foreign exchange and derivatives market activity – April 2013
02.10.2012 ST.12-0653 Mécanisme européen de stabilité (MES) : conséquences sur le reporting statistique - FR only
16.12.2011 ST.11-1959 Enquête ad-hoc sur la détention de titres pour compte de tiers non résidents  template pour le reporting  - FR only
28.07.2010 C2.10-0917 Adoption of the euro by Estonia. Statistical reporting - (annex)
28.05.2010 C2.10-0538 Update / Correction of reporting instructions
29.01.2010 C2.10-0086 Triennial central bank survey of foreign exchange and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market activity – Spring 2010
28.12.2009 C2.09-1076 Statistical reporting 2010, update of reporting instructions
04.12.2009 C2.09-0926 Modification of the statistical reports for the statistical classification of the European Investment Bank
14.07.2009 C2.09-0600 Circular letter concerning the EIB: impact on minimum reserves and statistical reporting - C2.09-0600 Annex
27.10.2008 C2.08-1422 Remittance calendar with dates for statistical reporting and start and end dates of the maintenance periods for minimum reserves in 2009