
The Luxembourg Household Finance and Consumption Survey: Results from the third wave

DateMarch 2020
AuteurYiwen Chen, Thomas Y. Mathä, Giuseppe Pulina, Barbara Schuster and Michael Ziegelmeyer

This report presents the main results and underlying methodology of the third wave of the Luxembourg Household Finance and Consumption Survey (LU-HFCS) and compares them to results obtained in the first and second wave in 2010 and 2014. This survey is conducted among private households resident in Luxembourg and is part of the Eurosystem Household Finance and Consumption Survey, which provides detailed individual and household data on assets, liabilities, income and consumption. This individual-level information on households provides a view on the distribution of assets and liabilities across the population that complements the aggregate data on the household sector in the financial accounts.

Keywords: Household, survey, wealth, income, assets, debts.

JEL-Codes: D31, D14, C81, C83.

Téléchargement Cahier d'étude 142 (pdf, 3 MByte)