
Monetary transmission: Empirical evidence from Luxembourg firm-level data

DateOctober 2002
AuteurPatrick Lünnemann and Thomas Y. Mathä

This paper investigates the transmission of monetary policy in Luxembourg. It is the first empirical analysis conducted for Luxembourg firm-level data. The results indicate that the sales accelerator may be at work. A very robust result is the negative effect of the user cost of capital on firms' investment ratio. Changes in user cost are significantly affected by changes in the monetary policy indicator. In addition, firm specific balance sheet characteristics, such as the lagged cash stock to capital ratio influence the investment behaviour according to the broad credit channel theory. It is shown that young firms, in particular, are more sensitive to user cost changes, sales growth and the lagged cash to capital ratio.

JEL Codes: D21, D92, E22, E52

Keywords: Investment, User Cost of Capital, Credit Channel, Panel Data


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