fassade 2

Regulation of the Banque centrale du Luxembourg 2011/N°7 of 4 April 2011

Regulation of the “Banque centrale du Luxembourg” 2011/No.7 of 4 April 2011 concerning the collection of statistics from credit institutions and the financial services of the Entreprise des Postes et Telecommunications

Regulation 2011/N°7


Annex 1 : Definitions and concepts for the balance-of-payments reporting of credit institutions and the financial services of “Entreprise des Postes et Télécommunications”
Annex 2 : BOP 1.1 Report ”Breakdown of selected items from the credit institutions profit and loss accounts”
Annex 3 : Electronic transmission manual for the report BOP 1.1 ”Breakdown of selected items from the credit institutions profit and loss accounts”
Annex 4 : Compendium of verification rules for report BOP 1.1 ”Breakdown of selected items from the credit institutions profit and loss accounts”
Annex 5 : Report BOP 1.2 ”Cross-border payments executed for the account of the resident counterparts”
Annex 6 : Manual of electronic transmission for the report BOP 1.2 ”Cross-border payments executed for the account of the resident counterparts”
Annex 7 : Compendium of verification rules for report BOP 1.2 ”Cross-border payments executed for the account of the resident counterparts”
Annex 8 : Definitions and concepts for the statistical reporting of credit institutions
Annex 9 : Security by security of credit institutions - Information on assets held on behalf of third parties - BOB
Annex 10 : Manual of electronic transmission for the security by security reporting of credit institutions - Information on assets held on behalf of third parties - BOB
Annex 11 : Compendium of verification rules for the security by security reporting of credit institutions - Information on assets held on behalf of third parties - BOB