
Household Finance and Consumption Survey


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Die fünfte Welle der Befragung zum Finanz- und Konsumverhalten ist beendet.

Briefe wurden an mehrere tausend in Luxemburg ansässige Haushalte und an Grenzgänger-Haushalte geschickt, um sie zu einem webbasierten Interview einzuladen. Die Feldarbeit dauerte bis zum 15. Dezember 2023. Wir bedanken uns vielmals bei allen Teilnehmer an dieser Ufmrage und möchten Sie daran erinnern, dass die Ergebnisse der Umfrage regelmäßig im BCL Bulletin und in BCL Working Papers veröffentlicht werden.

Call for papers

Call for papers: 9 th Luxembourg Workshop on Household Finance and Consumption
Organiser: Central Bank of Luxembourg
Date: Thursday, 27 June - Friday, 28 June 2024
Location: Luxembourg

Letzte Veröffentlichungen (chronologisch geordnet)

Mathä, T.Y., G. Pulina, A. Montes-Viñas and M. Ziegelmeyer (2024): 

The Cross-border Household Finance and Consumption Survey: Results from the fourth wave in 2021, BCL WP 188, July 2024

Naidin, M.D., S.R. Waltl and M. Ziegelmeyer (2024): Objective housing sales and rent prices in representative household surveys: Implications for wealth, inequality, housing market and affordability statistics, The Review of Income and Wealth, forthcoming.
Giordana, G. and M. Ziegelmeyer (2024): Using household-level data to guide borrower-based macro-prudential policy, Empirical Economics,  66: 785–827.
Pulina, G. (2024): Credit card debt puzzle: Evidence from the euro area, Economics Letters, 236, 111586.
Girshina, A., T.Y. Mathä and M. Ziegelmeyer (2024): Peer Effects in Stock Market Participation: Evidence from Immigration, The Review of Income and Wealth, forthcoming.
Mathä, T.Y., A. Montes-Viñas, G. Pulina and M. Ziegelmeyer (2023): The Luxembourg Household Finance Consumption Survey: Results from the fourth wave in 2021, BCL WP 176, November 2023.
Pulina, G. (2023): Consumer debt in Luxembourg and the euro area: Evidence from the Household Finance and Consumption Survey, BCL WP 175, November 2023, summarised in SUERF Policy Brief, 2024, 828.
Lindner, P., T.Y. Mathä, G. Pulina and M. Ziegelmeyer (2023)Borrowing constraints, own labour and homeownership”, Applied Economics, 55(42): 4931-4945.
Mathä, T.Y., A. Montes-Viñas, G. Pulina and M. Ziegelmeyer (2023): COVID-19 effects on income, consumption and savings: Evidence from the Luxembourg Household Finance and Consumption Survey, BCL Bulletin, 2023, 2: 50-59.
Mathä, T.Y., G. Pulina and M. Ziegelmeyer (2023): Do private wealth transfers help with homeownership? A first assessment for Luxembourg, BCL WP 174, June 2023.
Giordana, G. and M. Ziegelmeyer (2023): Household indebtedness and their vulnerability to rising interest rates, BCL WP 173, June 2023.